If you are experiencing ankle or feet pain, it is recommended that you consult with an experienced Hawthorne podiatrist. At Podiatry Center of New Jersey, our podiatrists can help diagnose a wide range of foot and ankle conditions, including bunions, heel spur, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and more. After your treatment, our podiatrists also offer preventive care to help reduce the chances of you experiencing the same problems in the future. We strive to make podiatry services in Hawthorne affordable and accessible by accepting many insurance plans.
Easy Accessibility to Our Hawthorne Office
Thinking of visiting our Hawthorne office? We serve many patients that come from:
111 Wagaraw Rd, Hawthorne
Podiatry Services Offered in Hawthorne New Jersey

Dry Skin

Peripheral Neuropathy

Painful High Arch

Stress Fracture

Broken Toe

Diabetic Neuropathy

Contact Leading Foot & Ankle Specialists in Hawthorne, New Jersey Today!
Enjoy peace of mind knowing that Podiatry Center of New Jersey has taken all of the necessary precautions to keep our patients and staff safe during this pandemic. Your general and foot health are in good hands. Find out more about our podiatrists in Hawthorne today.
Make an appointment with us today or call (973) 925-4111 to learn more about our podiatry services at our Hawthorne office.