Why is it that when the weather is at its worst, it is the time of year you need to be out and about running errands, shopping, and socializing? At Podiatry Center of New Jersey, we want our patients not to get sidelined with an ankle sprain this season.
Below are some common scenarios and how to lower your risk for an ankle-twisting injury:
The Fashionista Faux Pas—she’s got the right outfit for every holiday party, right down to the shoes. High heels in the season’s hottest colors are the perfect finishing touch. But they might just finish off a party girl before the festivities even begin if she’s wearing them on an icy evening.
Better Strategy: Stick with sturdy winter boots that have a good, gripping tread until you get to your destination. They will provide you with the stability and traction you need to arrive safely at your destination. Once there, change into your party footwear (okay, or right outside before you go in if you must!)
The Get it All Done Efficiency Expert—he’s not about to spend multiple days shopping this holiday season. Determined to get all the gifts on his list in one outing, Mr. Efficiency has his arms full of bags and boxes by the time the shopping extravaganza is over. Mission accomplished? Not if he can’t see the ground in front of him and misses the curb or ice patch and takes a spill.
Better Strategy: Make multiple trips to avoid this scene. Or, if you can’t bear that, do more of your shopping online and get it delivered.
The Scatter Brain—how many days till Christmas? Oh dear. There is so much to do and so little time. There’s no time to check the weather forecast before leaving home, so how could she know snow was coming later today? As she tries to make a beeline straight through the uncleared parking lot to the store, a slippery sleet patch is her downfall—literally.
Better Strategy: Be proactive in avoiding spills. Know the weather and plan accordingly. In addition to wearing the appropriate footwear, consider keeping a small bag of sand or cat litter in your winter jacket or car. If the path in front of you is obstructed by slippery precipitation, you can sprinkle some in front of you to gain traction. Take a moment to visually plot out the best, most clear path to where you are going on days when the weather is treacherous.
At Podiatry Center of New Jersey, our team of doctors treats various conditions such as sports injuries, diabetic foot problems, pediatric foot conditions, toe deformities, arthritis, nail fungus, arch problems, and heel pain. Equipped with advanced technologies and dedicated staff, our 16 conveniently located offices provide individualized high-quality care for patients across Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Ocean, Passaic, and Union Counties. For all your foot and ankle problems, contact our Wayne, NJ office at (973) 925-4111 for an appointment.