Did you know that today is Walk on Your Wild Side Day? It is a day to embrace your inner wild streak and do something totally unexpected. Maybe you’ve always wanted to take dance classes, or maybe you want to challenge yourself to a marathon, a fitness competition or a new exercise routine? Whatever your motivation, today is the day!
If you’re trying out something new, it is always important to be safe and prepared to avoid injuries. Keep these tips in mind as you step into your wild side:
- Start slow, be consistent: It takes more than one day to accomplish something you’ve never done before, so start slow, be consistent and don’t give up after the first try! It takes at least a week for your body to recognize something as routine, so try a little each day.
- Invite a friend: Whether it’s your first dance class or first marathon, having a friend join you is a great way to have fun and stay motivated! You never know, your friends may share the same wild streak!
- Wear the right footwear: If you’re trying a new physical challenge, invest in proper footwear to prevent common foot and ankle injuries like ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, and tendinitis. Go to a specialty foot store where professionals can help you find the proper fit for the specific type of activity you will be doing. Creating custom orthotics and knowing your foot type can also help!
- Warm up and cool down: Learning about proper ways to warm up and cool down your body will prepare your body for exercise through increased blood flow and lead to less injuries.
If you have concerns about your foot health, consult with a board-certified podiatrist before delving into your new routine. Dr. Russell Samofal of Podiatry Center of New Jersey, located in Wayne, NJ, provides patients of all ages with top quality foot and ankle care to treat all types podiatric issues like sports injuries, diabetic foot problems, and toe deformities. Contact us or call (973) 925-4111 for an appointment today!