Fungal Disease Awareness Week happens this month and at Podiatry Center of New Jersey, we want to take this opportunity to share some important information about the pesky fungal infections that can affect your feet. The two most common types of fungal foot infections that we treat are athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. Below are facts about fungi and the infections they cause:
FACT: Fungal foot infections are spread by direct contact. Someone with the infection whose feet are uncovered deposit the fungi on a surface that another barefoot person touches and then contracts.
FACT: Early symptoms of fungal foot infections often go undetected or appear minor, so patients don’t seek treatment. This is a mistake, however, as these infections will get worse and can lead to other medical conditions. Fungal infections can also spread to other parts of the body and may even enter the bloodstream. Report peeling, itchy skin or nail discoloration, and debris buildup under the nail to our podiatrists promptly.
FACT: If you have diabetes, you are more at risk for both contracting fungal foot infections, and from suffering major medical consequences from such an infection.
FACT: Since there are many different types of fungi, our podiatrists may want to take a small sample from your skin or nail to determine the specific organism causing the infection. This will help them choose the most effective treatment.
FACT: The single biggest step you can take to prevent fungal infections is to keep feet covered in public places—particularly those that tend to be humid and moist like gyms and pools. Other preventive measures include washing feet daily, keeping them dry, not sharing footwear, spraying inside shoes with anti-fungal spray and rotating your shoe wardrobe to avoid wearing the same pain multiple days in a row.
At Podiatry Center of New Jersey our team of doctors treat various conditions such as sports injuries, diabetic foot problems, and pediatric foot conditions, toe deformities, arthritis, nail fungus, arch problems, and heel pain. Equipped with advanced technologies and dedicated staff, our 16 conveniently located offices provides individualized high-quality care for patients across Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Ocean, Passaic, and Union Counties. For all your foot and ankle problems, contact our Wayne, NJ office at (973) 925-4111 for an appointment.