Symptoms of a fungal toenail infection include altered toenail shape, with the nail becoming thickened and brittle. The color will turn yellow or gray and perhaps the worst symptom is the unpleasant odor caused by the fungi as they feed on your skin and sweat. Fortunately, with some simple tips, you can avoid microbial infections on your feet!
3 tips for preventing toenail fungus from getting started in the first place include these:
- Keep your feet and footwear clean and dry—Fungi love the dark, warm and moist conditions inside your shoes. Wash your feet daily. It is also important to keep them as dry as possible. Medicated powders will help absorb moisture and kill microbes.
- Cut your toenails carefully—Strive to cut your toenails as straight across as possible and just a little long. This will help prevent ingrown toenails which often precede a difficult fungal toenail infection.
- Protect your feet from microbes—Swimming pool areas, locker rooms, showers and the like are hotbeds of infectious microbes. Cover your feet by wearing shower shoes or sandals to protect against infection. Use antimicrobial spray and powder on your feet and inside your shoes to keep the microbes at bay.
If you are experiencing a smelly fungal toenail infection, your foot doctor can help. At Podiatry Center of New Jersey, Dr. Russell Samofal, Dr. Dolan Chowdhury, Dr. Jaclyn Ramirez, Dr. Chris A. Obiarinze, Dr. Eric Freiler, Dr. Owen Morris, Dr. Farah Lakhram, and Dr. Meltem Ates treat a variety of conditions including sports injuries, diabetic foot problems, pediatric foot conditions, toe deformities, arthritis, nail fungus, arch problems, and heel pain. Equipped with advanced technologies and dedicated staff, Podiatry Center of New Jersey provides individualized high-quality care for patients all across Morris, Passaic, Bergen, and Essex counties. For all your foot and ankle problems, contact our Wayne office at (973) 925-4111 for an appointment.