It can be difficult to decipher between certain foot conditions, especially ones that have similar characteristics. This is often the case with corns and calluses, as they are confused for one another at first glance. However, understanding the differences between corns and calluses is crucial so you can be accurately diagnosed. Podiatry Center of New Jersey is here to help you understand the difference between corns and calluses and how to tell them apart so you can receive the proper treatment!
How Are Corns and Calluses Formed?
Corns and calluses are both caused by repeated friction or pressure on the skin, leading to the formation of thickened areas of dead skin cells.
Differences in Appearance:
- Corns tend to be smaller than calluses and more localized, with a hard, raised center that may be yellowish or grayish, surrounded by inflamed skin. They can vary in texture from hard to soft.
- Calluses are larger, flat areas of thickened skin. They typically have a smoother texture and may appear yellowish or discolored.
Differences in Location:
- Corns tend to develop on the top or side of the toe.
- Calluses cover a broader area and are usually found on the soles of the feet.
Symptoms and Discomfort:
- Corns are more likely to cause pain, especially when pressure is applied directly to the affected area. The pain may be sharp or burning and can interfere with daily activities.
- Calluses, while generally painless, can still cause discomfort or tenderness, particularly if they become excessively thick or cracked.
Treatment and Prevention:
- Soak feet in warm water, gently exfoliating the affected area with a pumice stone or foot file and applying moisturizing creams or ointments to soften the skin.
- Orthotic inserts can provide additional support and alleviate pressure on the feet.
- When it comes to professional intervention, podiatrists can shave down thickened skin or trim a large corn with a scalpel.
- Prevention tips include wearing properly fitting footwear, practicing good foot hygiene, and addressing any underlying foot deformities.
If you need more guidance to determine if you have corns or calluses, the expert team at Podiatry Center of New Jersey is always here to give you advice and support. Give us a call at (973) 925-4111 or make an appointment online so you can take a step toward finding relief!