Fungal toenail is an ugly and often malodorous condition. This problem tends to become more common in the summer months due to increased sporting activities and sweating that contribute to conditions that fungi love.
Fungal toenails can develop slowly and go unnoticed until the nail turns grey and brittle with that lovely fungal aroma wafting from your feet. If it’s gotten that bad, you really need to see your foot doctor.
5 tips for avoiding fungal toenails include the following:
- Proper toenail cutting—Cut your toenails straight across and not too short. This will help to avoid ingrown toenails which may contribute to fungal and bacterial infections.
- Wash and dry your feet every day—Keep your feet clean and dry and be sure to wear socks and footwear made of breathable fabrics to help decrease moisture levels. Allow shoes to air out between uses.
- Never share shoes, etc…—Don’t ever share your shoes with others and avoid sharing personal care products to prevent cross-contamination.
- Protect your feet—In public showers, locker rooms, gyms, and swimming pools, always wear protective sandals or shower shoes to avoid coming into contact with microbes.
- Use antifungals in your shoes and on your feet—Powders and sprays are available to put in your shoes and directly on your feet. This will help kill the fungus and prevent spreading.
If you are having problems with smelly toenail fungus, see your foot doctor for the best treatment. At Podiatry Center of New Jersey, Dr. Russell Samofal and Dr. Dolan Chowdhury treat a variety of conditions such as sports injuries, diabetic foot problems, pediatric foot conditions, toe deformities, arthritis, nail fungus, arch problems and heel pain. Equipped with advanced technologies and a dedicated staff, Podiatry Center of New Jersey provides individualized high-quality care for patients all across Morris, Passaic, Bergen and Essex counties. For all your foot and ankle problems, contact our Wayne office at (973) 925-4111 for an appointment.