How to Treat a Broken Toe

There are many misconceptions when it comes to what should be done about a broken toe. One of the main myths about a broken toe is that if you can walk on the foot, then the toe can’t be broken. This is not the case! A toe may have a minor break or a hairline […]

Gout Can Cause Sudden Foot Pain

A gout attack is a very painful experience that often strikes suddenly and often in the large joint of your big toe. Gout may also occur in the ankles, wrists, and hands. A gout attack is caused by uric acid crystallizing out of the blood and into the joints. The sharp crystals cause extreme pain […]

How To Treat a Stubbed Toe

Stubbing your toe is often quite a startling and painful experience, since the toes have a limited amount of cushioning tissue to insulate them from any shock and they also have a large number of nerve endings that transmit the sensation of pain to your brain. Oftentimes, a stubbed toe can be very painful without […]

How To Treat and Avoid Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is one of the most common conditions seen by podiatrists. The condition often affects the big toe, but your other toes may be similarly affected. While the origin of this condition is possibly hereditary, it is often exacerbated by wearing tight-fitting shoes, improper cutting of the toenails, and fungal nail infections. A […]