Common Fungal Problems

Fungal problems can develop on the feet in areas such as between the toes, on the sole of the foot, and on the toenails. Since the feet are frequently exposed to moisture due to sweating and wet weather conditions, fungal infections are common. Fungi flourish in warm, dark, and moist environments, making the feet the […]


Calluses are a common foot condition characterized by areas of thickened skin that develop due to repeated friction or pressure on specific areas of the feet. These thickened patches of skin, while often painless, can lead to discomfort and irritation when exposed to continued pressure or rubbing against footwear. Calluses commonly form on high-pressure regions […]

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common foot fungus that spreads easily in public places such as indoor and outdoor swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers, as these are moist conditions where people usually walk barefoot. The symptoms of athlete’s foot are itchy, burning feet with scaling and redness between the toes. Eventually, the inflammation can become […]

Burning Feet

At the end of a long day, especially one with a lot of standing and walking, it is not uncommon for the feet to feel tired, ache, and burn. This condition of burning feet can become more common after the age of 50. However, if burning feet turns into a chronic and recurring experience, it […]


Blisters are fluid-filled bubbles that form on the skin of the foot or other parts of the body due to friction or a burn. On the foot, they commonly occur on the heel and toes, areas subjected to friction and rubbing against footwear. Most blisters are filled with clear fluid and do not usually require […]