Why Is My Big Toe So Stiff?

A chronic arthritic condition called hallux rigidus—or stiff big toe—causes the joint of the big toe to become painfully inflamed and stiff, causing considerable pain, discomfort, and difficulty with simple standing, walking, and exercising. Whether you are conscious of it or not, your big toes are essential for climbing stairs and walking down the street. […]

What Is Sesamoiditis?

Two very small bones located in the ball of your foot are called sesamoid bones. When they and their surrounding soft tissue become irritated and inflamed, sesamoiditis is the result. What makes these bones unique is that they float under your foot near the big toe and are not directly connected to the surrounding bones except […]

6 Great Tips to Avoid Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is caused by microscopic organisms that live on our skin. They particularly like moist and warm areas which is why your sneakers and shoes are the perfect places for them to take hold. Athlete’s foot fungus is the same fungus that causes nail infections, which can become particularly nasty, causing thick, brittle nails […]

Heel Pain Has Many Causes

Pain on the bottom or back of your heel it is not always indicative of a major problem since it can often be traced to something as simple as excess pressure from tightly fitting shoes. Removing the source of the rubbing by switching to softer shoes will solve the problem. But because heel pain can […]

3 Common Foot Problems For Men

Men have a tendency to neglect the overall health of their feet much more so than women, and tend to suffer from the following three issues at a high rate. This unnecessary suffering is too bad, since these conditions can either often be treated at home or by your foot care professional. Here are three […]

What is Overpronation?

While people who run often for exercise are more prone to foot aches and pains in general, if you have untreated overpronation this pain and discomfort can also create havoc with your knees, hips, and back. Your podiatrist can perform a computerized gait analysis to see if you overpronate. What is Overpronation? As you walk […]

Diabetes Increases Amputation Risk

As anyone who has diabetes knows, the disease puts you at a higher risk of experiencing problems with your feet, including the increased risk of amputation if proper foot care guidelines are not followed. The decreased blood flow and loss of feeling in the feet makes even minor cuts a potential source of severe infection, […]

What Causes Arch Pain?

The long arch on the bottom of the foot undergoes considerable stress from daily activities and often becomes irritated and inflamed causing considerable pain and discomfort. The cause of arch pain is frequently associated with structural imbalances. These can often be corrected by using properly fitted shoes and orthotics that give support and prevent irritation […]

What is Metatarsalgia?

The metatarsus is the forward part of the foot that comprises the metatarsal bones under the heads of your toes—the ball of your foot. This area may become stressed and inflamed from a variety of causes including participation in high impact sports like tennis, being overweight, having untreated high arches, and wearing poorly fitted shoes. […]