Barefoot Babies

Child development experts recommend that babies go barefoot when they are first learning to walk. The feet of an infant are growing rapidly, and slowly convert from soft cartilage to bone over time. While the feet are in this flexible stage, walking barefoot helps to increase the strength and flexibility of the arches, ligaments, muscles […]

Diabetic Foot Care Tips

Nerve damage to the extremities is a major cause of foot problems for diabetic patients. Since the nerve damage causes reduced sensation in the feet, minor scrapes and injuries may go unnoticed, and can quickly become infected potentially leading to an ulcer, gangrene, and amputation in extreme cases. Here is a list of healthy feet […]

Your Old Feet

Your feet really take a beating over the years, so it’s important to be aware of what to expect as your feet age and to remember that you have to keep your feet and the rest of your body in good shape to get you through your golden years. Here is list of some of […]

Flat Feet Facts

When the whole sole of your foot comes into contact with the ground when you walk or stand, then you have flat feet. This foot abnormality is also known as fallen arches. By wetting your feet and then standing on a flat surface you can see if your arches fall all the way to the […]

Happy Feet Tips for Summer

With summer vacations, adventures, and getaways in full swing keeping your feet protected from the heat and avoiding injuries can help make your summer a success. Here is a reminder list of some fairly common sense ideas for keeping your feet healthy and happy throughout this summer season: Choose supportive shoes—Try to avoid flimsy flip […]

7 Tips to Avoid Nail Fungus

With summer weather in full swing, walking around barefoot or with sandals on is a great way to show off your beautiful feet. Unless of course you are cursed with fungal toenails, and infection that can result in thick, yellow, brittle and even stinky nails. The cause of this nail infection is actually a microscopic […]

Weak Ankles? Here’s Help!

If your legs and feet are sore and tired after a hard day, that’s one thing. But what if your feet and legs feel exceptionally sore and tired on a regular basis? This could be a sign that you have weak ankles. Weak ankles will cause your feet to be unstable and may create a […]

Hammer, Mallet, and Claw Toes

These are the names given to toes when they become abnormally bent. It can be attributed to an imbalance in the toe muscles and tendons, tight fitting shoes, injury, or certain diseases that exacerbate the tendency of the toes to bend in the shape of a hammer or mallet. A hammertoe bends at the middle […]

Metatarsal Syndrome

Also called metatarsalgia, this condition strikes the bones and tissues in the ball of your foot—the front part of the bottom of your foot that lies just behind your toes—causing extreme pain and discomfort and often described as feeling like you have a pebble in your shoe. There are many factors to consider when diagnosing […]

Bunion Complications

Bunions are a fairly common foot deformity that usually affects the joint of the big toe, but the pinky toe may also be affected. The bunion (or bunionette when it appears on your pinky toe) appears as an enlarged bump on the side or top of the big toe. Initially, there may not be much […]