Dealing with Corns and Calluses

At Podiatry Center of New Jersey, we find that corns and calluses are a problem that many of our patients have. Below is some information about these common conditions and what to do about them. Your Foot’s Protectors Corns and calluses are similar but different. Both develop as your foot’s protective response to ongoing pressure […]

Are Your Feet Ready for Sandal Season?

With the current chilly March temperatures, we at Podiatry Center of New Jersey know that slipping on a pair of sandals is far from the mind of our patients. Warmer weather will be here in no time, however. If you’re hiding an unsightly foot condition under your heavy socks and shoes, now is the time […]

Ingrown Toenail Trouble

Patients at the Podiatry Center of New Jersey who have suffered with an ingrown toenail often ask how to avoid having this painful condition occur again. The answer to that question depends on a number of factors. Common Causes of Ingrown Nails Some people have an inherited tendency that predisposes their nails to become ingrown. […]

Avoiding Diabetes Complications

For patients with diabetes, we at Podiatry Center of New Jersey know that one of the primary concerns is avoiding complications. The feet, being the part of the body farthest from the heart, have the hardest time healing, especially when poor circulation is present as is often the case in patients with diabetes. Peripheral neuropathy […]