While the majority of cancers and growths that appear on the feet are benign, some skin cancers are very aggressive and can spread to other parts of the body through your blood.
3 Ways To Reduce Bunion Pain
Bunions are a toe deformity that is thought to be inherited, but it can be exacerbated by many factors. Bunions tend to worsen over time, so it is best to see your foot doctor at the beginning stages when they are easier to treat.
2 Common Running Injuries
Running outdoors in the spring and summer months can be very therapeutic. There are many hiking and running trails in lovely wooded areas that can get you out of the stress of the daily grind and back to nature.
Peripheral Artery Disease Causes Foot Problems
Your arteries can be affected by plaque and fat deposits that cause them to narrow, thereby reducing blood flow to your extremities.
What Causes Cracked Heels?
Heel calluses form as a natural reaction to the stress and pressure that is applied to your feet on a daily basis.
4 Foot Care Essentials for Patients Who Have Diabetes
The numbness caused by the nerve damage that is prevalent in patients who have diabetes can lead to complications when a foot injury isn’t felt, and infection rapidly sets in and progresses.
Orthotics Can Treat a Wide Variety of Foot and Ankle Problems
Custom orthotic inserts are specially made to fit your foot shape. These inserts are used to treat many feet and ankle problems and to improve performance in athletic endeavors.
Why Are My Feet Feeling Numb?
Having a sensation of numbness in your feet can not only be irritating, but it can also be a sign of a serious systemic disease like diabetes.
Plantar Fasciitis Causes Heel Pain
The heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis may occur intermittently in the early stages of the condition and this can make it difficult to diagnose.
2 Misconceptions about a Broken Toe
People seem to have many misconceptions about how to treat injured and broken toes. If you have severe pain in your toe and it is difficult or impossible to move, be sure to have the injury evaluated by your foot doctor to ensure the proper diagnosis and treatment and to avoid an ongoing problem.