Taking Control of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition and can cause extreme discomfort. There are many reasons why this condition may afflict you, and the most common are walking barefoot, not having the proper arch support, high impact activity, weight gain, or arthritis. If you have weak muscles in your ankles that will cause this condition as […]

Don’t Let Hammertoe Cause Immobility

Hammertoe is a deformity that causes your toes to hold an abnormal position. It can be caused by shoes, the structure of your foot, trauma, and diseases. If you suffer from hammertoe, your toe will have a bend in the middle instead of holding the correct position. You will notice that the toes affected are […]

What Aging Does to Your Feet

Experiencing changes to your body as you get older is natural, but you may not be aware of how aging affects your feet. When you are in your twenties and thirties, your feet are at their strongest. The muscles begin losing their strength at this point, and the bones are thinning, which can lead to […]

When an Ankle Sprain is Dangerous

Ankle sprains can be expected if you have unstable ankles, mobility issues, or are an athletic person. In typical cases, a sprained ankle will heal quickly and without any problematic complications. However, there are times when the ankle sprain has become dangerous, and you need the help of medical experts immediately. Signs Your Ankle Sprain […]

How to Treat & Prevent Fungal Toenails

If you develop an advanced, smelly, and brittle fungal toenail infection it can be very difficult to eradicate on your own. Over-the-counter medications available don’t often work that well and the infection returns. You need to see your foot doctor to completely eradicate an entrenched infection. Avoiding exposure to the fungus in the first place […]